Tropical Summer Dreams Promo CardThis composite photo was shot in front of a fence that is no longer in existence.
Tropical Summer Dreams is an exhibition hosted and curated by Sabine Street Studios. Sabine Street is part of the Sawyer Yards campus of artist studios, Chris Pinon Media Studios being one of them. The picture in the advertisement is one of my entries into the Tropical Summer Dreams exhibit. It was shot almost a year ago but only now have I been able to get the composite shot(s) working the way I wanted them to work. The fence in the photo was located on Center Street but has since been removed. Model / Collaborator: Vlada!
I also have a number of other pieces on display, including Product Placement. This series of photos consists of a background of product labels that I saved over the course of 6 months, culminating in the pictures below. Model / Collaborator: Jackie!
I hope to see you on Thursday, June 1 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Sabine Street Studios for the opening reception. The Studios are located at 1907 Sabine Street, 77007. The entrance is on Spring and Silver streets, yellow door. Also, if you would like a custom session, let me know!